A team of Italian scientists has announced seismic evidence of what could be meteor fragments beneath Lake Cheko in Siberia--the first "solid evidence" of a Tunguska asteroid.
Some would argue that The United States Congress, the elected officials of the people who were involved in passing the United States Patriot Act just forty three (43) days after September 11, 2001 (had either been duped or were willing and active participants in the plot) and establishing the office of Homeland Security giving the Executive Branch of Government Dictator type powers. For example, unchecked and undemocratic Executive Orders were imposed, law enforcement powers went unmitigated, and Congress ability to legislate was compromised and was the Patriot Act essentially an outright violation of U.S. law and of our U.S. Constitutional Rights? And did this legislation actually meet its attempt by intentionally and willfully usurping the balance of powers we have in our three branches of government?
But the HIDDEN HAND strategically would use the 9-11 incident to weaken the Bill Of Rights and to totally disarm the United States Citizens and proliferate the powers of the Executive Branch of Government (George Bush) and the sad thing about this criminal act, it was met with no resistance from the masses of the people they volunteered as willing participants.
Scientists in Maryland have already built the world's first entirely handcrafted chromosome -- a large looping strand of DNA made from scratch in a laboratory, containing all the instructions a microbe needs to live and reproduce.
In the coming year, they hope to transplant it into a cell, where it is expected to "boot itself up," like software downloaded from the Internet, and cajole the waiting cell to do its bidding. And while the first synthetic chromosome is a plagiarized version of a natural one, others that code for life forms that have never existed before are already under construction.
Corman said the Storm Worm is an "instantiation of a class of botnets" that is being used in attacks such as pump-and-dump campaigns to derive profits for its authors. It communicates through decentralized peer-to-peer networks, which makes it difficult to stop.
If the Storm Worm authors find a way to monetize other uses for the botnet, users may see an influx of DDoS attacks that could paralyze some organizations. Some businesses are preparing for such an incident by reassessing their disaster recovery capabilities, Corman said.
He said he also worries about a political motive: For example, Storm could impact the websites of presidential candidates, or be used to deliver spam that may sway voter's decisions, Corman said.
The theory of E-Infinity is at least 15 years old and it is based on a new irrational quasi-binary system utilizing the miraculous properties of the golden mean and the Fibonacci numbers within this system (2)(248) = 496 of E8 E8 is reduced to 496-(0.18033989) = 495.9674775 while 137 is increased to 137.08203932. These small differences make a big difference and are behind the success of E-Infinity theory. Those interested in the nitty-gritty should read issue 2 of volume 35 of Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (January 2008). Particularly, the aforementioned paper from E-eight to E-Infinity pp. 285-290 of the same issue is of special interest. At least the abstract if not the entire paper maybe found on Science Direct www.sciencedirect.com.
Comets are electrical discharges in the thin plasma that permeates the solar system. Because they spend most of their time far from the Sun, their rocky nuclei are in equilibrium with the voltage at that distance. But as they accelerate in toward the Sun, their voltage is increasingly out of equilibrium with the voltage and increasing density of the solar plasma. A plasma sheath forms around them—the coma and tail. And filamentary currents—jets—between the sheath and the nucleus erode, particle by powdery particle, the circular depressions with terraced walls that are typical of electrical discharge machining. As the discharge channels move across the surface of the comet, they burn it black.
You can't underplay how sophisticated the Bush team has been about manipulating our fears. And one reason we really can't ignore is our home-grown ignorance. We now have two generations of young people who don't know about civics. A study came out that showed that even Harvard freshmen really don't understand how our government works.
"If you calculate pure theoretical throughput, then I'm sure the botnet has more capacity than IBM's BlueGene. If you sat them down to play chess, the botnet would win."
Almost from their founding, the Templars have been rumored
a.) to still exist
b.) to be impossibly rich, and
c.) to guard the Holy Grail (the cup from which Jesus drank at the Last Supper) and other Christian relics.
Without some kind of dynamic evidence, the UFO phenomenon is doomed to die, if only because media, government agencies, and the public cannot sustain interest in such an evanescent presence.
Yes, UFOs have appeared and continue to appear in the skies but without some kind of specific tangibility, all persons, except UFO fanatics, will, psychologically, place the phenomenon on a mental backburner, maybe even dismissing the subject matter altogether, which is already beginning to happen.
"For 700 years we have believed that the Templars died as cursed men, and this absolves them."
My friend Kevin Fitzpatrick, who spends a great deal of time thinking about these things, says there is a simple answer. He suggests an exact parallel between the rise in the use of the internet and the fall in UFO sightings. Logical: the amount of time spent staring at the sky must be in inverse proportion to the amount of time available to stare at a computer screen.
The Storm worm is an amazing piece of work. Anyone who has taken the time to reverse engineer Storm will tell you that it is a very sophisticated piece of software and it is highly unlikely that it was created just to send spam.
The profound integration of celestial, psychological, ritual, and mythopoeic elements at Izapa bespeaks the psychedelic influence, because those tools of vision open the consciousness to higher states of awareness in which multiple dimensions are seen for what they are – mutually interweaving and interpenetrating aspects of a unity that is simply not apparent to the “normal” consciousness that functions on more limited planes of perception.
These processes and concepts are intimately involved in the understanding that the Milky Way is the Great Mother, and the dark rift is her vagina or birth place. It is the place of transformation that the prospective male king must enter in order to be reborn as the king, a divine being. That these things are templated upon the alignment of the December solstice sun with the dark rift in the Milky Way – on the 13-baktun cycle end date, December 21, 2012 – is mind-boggling.
I was permitted from a safe distance to first observe the object just recovered north of town. It was approx. 12 to 15 feet in length, not quite as wide, about 6 feet high, and more of an egg shape. Lighting was poor, but its surface did appear metallic. No windows, portholes, wings, tail section, or landing gear were visible.
Sundogs: Refracted image of the sun - WHICH DON’T MOVE
Space debris: Burning satellites or rocket fragments - WHICH MOVE IN A STRAIGHT LINE
Meteors: Such as bolides or fireballs - AGAIN, A STRAIGHT LINE
Clouds: Lenticular or disc-like - OKAY BUT *SLOW* MOVING
Mirages: Hot or cold-air induced images - HMMMMMMM
Stars/planets: Such as Venus - WHICH DON’T MOVE!!!
Planes: Such as experimental aircraft - POSSIBLY, BUT AERODYNAMICS
Ball lightning: Unpredictable brilliant spheres - USUALLY FOUND NEAR THE GROUND
Weather balloons: Classic explanation - OKAY, A LOT OF UFOs ARE PROBABLY BALLOONS
Hallucination: Viewer under stress - I SEE BETTER WHEN I’m TRIPPING!
Mass hysteria: Early explanation - COME ON!
Earthlights: Caused by electromagnetic fields in seismic activity areas - WTF DOES THAT MEAN?
The Bank for International Settlements, the world's most prestigious financial body, has warned that years of loose monetary policy has fuelled a dangerous credit bubble, leaving the global economy more vulnerable to another 1930s-style slump than generally understood.
"It is interesting that an incursion over one of the busiest aviation facilities in the world would receive such superficial attention" from the FAA."
"If you look at history, you can see that there is essentially a blueprint for turning an open society into a dictatorship. That blueprint has been used again and again in more and less bloody, more and less terrifying ways. But it is always effective. It is very difficult and arduous to create and sustain a democracy - but history shows that closing one down is much simpler. You simply have to be willing to take the 10 steps."
"Other government agencies, including the US Defence Department, have also been exploring the concept....A new network could run parallel with the current internet and eventually replace it."
"The Internet's designers also assumed that computers were in fixed locations and always connected. That's no longer the case with the proliferation of laptops, personal digital assistants and other mobile devices, all hopping from one wireless access point to another, losing their signals here and there.
"With IP becoming more prevalent for use in space, Nasa and internet pioneer Vint Cerf have also investigated the possibility of using internet technology across the solar system. Although some work has been carried out on the necessary standards and protocols, no definite schedule has been announced for this interplanetary internet. "
As American people, we will very soon and very surprisingly be faced with recognizing and confronting the fact that we no longer live in either a supposedly 'exceptional' country, or even a normal country. We will be faced with the reality that we live in a virtual "Vichy America" which has been fully taken over by a guileful and disguised global Empire ---- just as France in WWII had been taken over by the Nazi Empire which installed the faux government referred to as Vichy France.